Monday, November 17, 2008

More On Milk Chocolate

Milk chocolate, as it is called, is simply chocolate from the cacoa bean that has been mixed with sugar, and cacoa butter, and then mixed with condensed milk or milk powder.  There are other additives that a manufacturer may add to give it their signature, but that is the basics of it.

Everyone in the world has been effected by milk chocolate in one way or another since its invention centuries ago. Being taken form South America, constantly perfected in Europe, until it has become a world phenomena. But I have no problem with that, do you? We use it for everything we can use it for. Cookies, cakes, cereals, beverages, toppings, flavorings, decorations, etc., chocolate has its place in history for good.

Is Milk Chocolate Healthy?

It is said in a study that the average American eats 10-12 pounds of chocolate every single year. They have never met me. It is also known that eating chocolate is rich in Phenols(antioxidants) which is good for the heart. Millions of pounds of milk is used every year in the production of milk chocolate.

Yes, to a degree. Ok, so the health benefits of milk chocolate are not as many as dark chocolate, however, there still some to be considered. It is a stimulator, to the brain, to the emotions, thus, increasing your stamina. Of course, moderation, because it is high in fat content and sugar. Point to be taken here is we need fat in our diet, seriously, and milk chocolate can be a great source for that fat percentage, just not all of it should come from eating milk chocolate. Be sure to read the nutritional section of each chocolate substance you obtain so you know what you have to eat or bake with - very important.

There are milk chocolate bars, milk chocolate fondue mixes and hardware, chocolate drinks, like hot chocolate and etc. There are many great recipe books that can teach you what to do with milk chocolate if you are fresh out of ideas and feel a bit overwhelmed. Just start reading and let the imagination roll. Some of the best milk chocolate recipes have come from the laboratory so to speak. Perhaps you will be the next Thomas Edison of milk chocolate.

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