Sunday, August 24, 2008

Conforming To Work Environment

Everyone goes through different stages in life and performs different roles in each of these stages, as in expected of their age, situation and cultural or school norms. For Example, a small child forgetting to take his pencil to school, may be excused., whereas an executive working in a firm, being late for appointments, forgetting to keep up commitments, etc., may not be tolerable in a work situation. Thus, as one crosses the various stages in life, he or she has to prepare for adapting and meeting the expectations of people concerned.

The adaptation skills come in to play when one shifts from one role to the other, or from one situation to other. This is termed as the "Transition" stage. For example, there is transition stage between college life and professional career. Students would be expected to change and prepare themselves for more matured and responsible professional life.

While in college, many student are observed to be wearing casual dresses, not regular and punctual for classes, not attending certain sessions, not planning for exams seriously, not submitting assignments on time, etc. One does not plan activities ahead of time and primarily tend to take life easy. However, once on getting a job in any organization, things become different for fresh graduate. one is expected to be in formal dress or the dress code followed in particular organization and quickly adapt to the organization culture. Punctuality and prepared for all meetings, adaptation to various roles, application of training in real-time work environment, time management, team interaction skills, flexibility and customer focus, are some of the other important aspects expected of a fresh graduate in any organization. It is in this context that students go through a transition phase from college life to professional life. The faster one completes this transition, the more successful he or she would be in adapting to the work environment.

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