Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is Oil Advisable For Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is filled with a multitude of changes.  It is easy for women to feel out of control over the changes that take place in their bodies and long for some sense of normalcy and authority. 

The cuteness industry doesn’t miss an opportunity to capitalize on this desire.  The market is filled with products that claim to give new and expectant mothers back their youthful skin.  Stretch marks are many times over an unpleasant side effect of pregnancy and many women find themselves looking for a solution to these disagreeable skin issues.

What is a Stretch Mark?

A stretch mark is actually a tear in the dermal or middle layer of skin caused by sustained stretching of the skin.  Certain medications and hormones can also cause stretch marks.  They appear as deep red or purple furrows in the skin that are many times over referred to as striae for their stripped pattern of occurrence.   They are permanent and can only be purged by surgical removal of the affected skin by a synthetic surgeon.

Many products claim to erase, fade or prevent stretch marks. Among the oldest and most commonly trusted products are stretch mark oils.  Many types of oils are used for stretch mark treatment.  Some of the more popular stretch mark oils are Vitamin E oil, Vitamin A oil, olive oil, emu oil, and squalene oil. These stretch mark oils are desirable during pregnancy to help increase the elasticity of the skin to help it superior withstand the stretching that occurs during pregnancy.  A well nourished, hydrated skin fares better during this stressful time.  Unfortunately, some women are just fated to get stretch marks no matter what preventative measures they take.

Stretch mark oils are a good way to hydrate the skin and the rubbing required to apply these oils can help increase circulation to the skin.  Proper circulation is compulsory for the body to deliver nutrients to the skin. Many varied types of creams and oils for stretch mark treatment and prevention can be easily obtained on the internet.  They range in price from a few to hundreds of dollars.  Stretch mark oils are a popular, noninvasive treatment for stretch marks that already exist also.  Many patrons have testified to the effectiveness of Vitamin E to aid the body in the healing process and it is generally found in marketed stretch mark oils today.

The greatest news is that over time, usually six months to one year, stretch marks become fewer discernible as the redness fades to a silvery-white, and as the body returns to a normal weight, the deep furrows can lessen in the width and depth.  The use of stretch mark oils effectiveness is popularly debated due to the variables of contributing factors and that the body tends to heal itself over time.

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