Thursday, October 9, 2008

Define Good Customer Service

When you are asked to define good customer service what are the first thoughts that come to mind? The ability to supply your customers' wants and needs, whether they are new or existing customers.

Providing exceptional customer service centers around ensuring your customers are happy. Your overall objective is to ensure that they are coming back for more or referring your services. By doing this you will be ensuring your continuing lively hood in the business that you have chosen to create.

There are several points that need to be considered if you wish to provide exceptional customer service these are a must for all businesses.

            1. Supply your finest service and ensure that it is provided on time. If you promise a product at a certain time ensure that it is delivered then. If for any reason you have to delay delivery, be honest with your client and inform them of the situation. Compensate or alleviate the problem if it causes your client any inconvenience.

            2. Listen to what your client wants and needs. Work with your client to provide them with the product that they need. Provide the advice that they need but also listen to their suggestions. You never know when what they suggest can help you improve your own business 

            3. Keep up with technology. Always strive to improve your services. With technology advancing at the rate it is you need to be sure that your skills are up to date as well. Enhancing your services allows you to offer more to your clients and thus keeps them happy.

            4. There is nothing like a guarantee. This is an important point of exceptional customer service. When a customer is 100% happy with what you have provided for them they are the biggest asset to your future. You will find that referrals come from their happiness. If they are not happy ensure that it is fixed right a way.

            5. Provide prompt responses to all communications & inquiries. There is nothing a customer hates more than being kept waiting. If you have to get back to a customer do it with 24 hours. The longer you leave to respond to an enquiry the greater the chance the client will move onto another business.

6. Don’t forget your manners – Always say thank you! How good do you feel when someone says thank you to you? Send out thank you cards to those who request a quote and when a new client comes on board. To save costs, send e-cards or emails of thanks.


So if we had to define good customer service it should be easy. Keep your clients happy by adding value to your business and the services you provide. And if all else fails think on how you would like to be treated if you went into their business.

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