Thursday, October 2, 2008

How to Get Your Ex to Return Your Phone Call, Text, or IM

"How do YOU get your ex to return your phone
call, text or IM?"

I know you may not believe me when I say
this but, I KNOW HOW!

Do you think there are 'magic' words you can
use to get your ex to return your phone calls?

It may sound hard to believe but there ARE words that will actually cast a spell on your ex and make them feel compelled to return your call.

Don’t Believe Me?...

The biggest questions from the over

35,000 subscribers just like you that are

trying to put their relationship back

together is…







That’s right! In the Magic Of Making Up,
a complete strategy is laid out FOR YOU

at the link below.

However, you stand a chance of damaging
your relationship even more if you try to
use this highly sought after technique on

your own WITHOUT guidance and an
'overall' plan or strategy...

What I mean is if you try this by yourself kiss your chances good buy for your ex may never returned your call.


What you should NEVER Say!


Let's go over what messages will most likely
NOT work before we get into the actual words,

and what’s worse...

will put you in an AWFUL
'psychological' position.

Most of the time they will fall into 2 categories.

1. The PLEADING call-

This is where your message sounds like…

"Tyron, this is the 3rd time I have called.
I HAVE to talk to you." Will you please please
call me?”

2. The EMERGENCY call-

"Vanessa, please call me as soon as you get this.

This is an emergency, really!"

I won’t go on and on about these because I

think you can see what is wrong with both
approaches, right?


How Using
Self Interest & Curiosity

Is To Your Advantage


The human mind has some powerful

forces and two of them are…

*Self Interest &


Sooo, what’s the BIG SECRET?

Have you ever baked a cake?

Baking a cake is magical if you follow a

certain recipe, right?

You go from a lump of dough to a fluffy

baked cake.

However if certain main ingredients are

missing then the cake won’t magically
rise or turn out.

Sound simple?

Well, as you combine the ingredients, you

have a recipe that WILL work 'magic'

Would you like to see the words that

work nearly EVERY TIME?


What you SHOULD say!


In a friendly tone:

"Hi Tyron. It's Vanessa. I wanted to let

you know I appreciate what you did for

me. Call me so I can thank you in person."

This way you are using BOTH curiosity

and self interest?

Tyron will think…

“What did I do?” “What does she appreciate?”

He will NOT be able to resist calling you
back! And he feels good because it is a
positive message.

OK now...

If you are Vanessa and before you make

the curiosity/self interest type of call

you need to do a “SET UP… which is

figuring out what Tyron actually did

that you appreciate.

It may be any small thing but needs to

be something valid and legitimate.

But more importantly...




Make sure to have an underlying strategy

like is laid out in the “Magic Of Making

Up” System, BEFORE you call.

If you click the link below you can see

the “Magic Of Making Up” System

Remember, if you don’t handle this

correctly it is very possible to do more

DAMAGE then good if you try to apply this

technique with no supporting strategy.

Got It?

So, what should be your strategy?...

Just getting them to return your call is not

really the most important thing in your


What you do before, during and after you

get them to return your call is.

Make sense?

Have a PLAN!

For Better or For Worse

Randall Paul

PS. There is a saying that goes something

like this…

“The definition of insanity is doing the

same thing over and over expecting a

different result.”

Don’t do this alone, get some help by

clicking here

and start expecting a better result.

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